Strategic Lobby Redesign for Greater Chennai's Largest Hospital

Clients: Kauvery Hospital
Category: Visualisation, Spatial Design

The Brief
The primary role of a lobby is to provide information and space for waiting. In a hospital the consideration of the psychology of the user group is pivotal as it includes patients, family, friends and other acquaintences of patients. Crowd management at a hospital lobby involves easy readability and wayfinding while being sensitive to the mental state of the users.
Primary Activities in the Lobby
The primary activies in the Lobby include:
Enquiring at the information desk.
Filling forms at the infromation desk
Waiting to go for scan
Standing in line at the pharmacy
Praying at the lobby temple corner
Waiting for cars
Existing Circulation and Zones of Crowding

Furniture Arrangement and Wayfinding
The primary considerations of the furniture arrangement include segregation of clusters based on activity. Additionally furniture placement and spacemaking is carried out in such a way that there is flexibility in how introverted or extroverted the space is.

The pharmacy works on a numbered ticket system with a waiting area infront.
There are introverted and extroverted seating arrangements next to the door for people waiting for the valet to bring their car.
High table near the information desk for filling forms standing up or sitting down to avoid crowding infront of the receptionist and blocking the passage.
Separate waiting area along the passage near the scan room with a wall length mirror to make the space seem larger and less crowded.
Seating area near the elevator for a waiting time ranging from 10-15 minutes, for the elderly and patients to sit while waiting for the elevator.
Planter along the side of the information desk to reduce visibility from the side while allowing communication between the hospital staff and the receptionist.
The low book shelf, planter and low cushion double as informal seaters or a place to keep bags or other objects being carried.
